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Charity Psychic night


Paige's Musical Butterflies are hosting a charity psychic night in Dysart community hall on Saturday 19th October 2024.

Our platform mediums for the evening will be Derek Anderson, Tracey Bradbury and Denise Hutton.

We will also be offering 15 minute mini reading on the night, to be booked separately from your ticket purchase.

Tickets and mini readings will both be priced at £15, your ticket will included tea, coffee and home baking.

If you would like tickets for this event please get in touch either on our email at or through face book messenger.



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© 2024 Paige's Musical Butterflies - A non-profit making company by guarantee (trading as Paige's Musical Butterflies).

Registered in Scotland: Charity Number SC051871. Registered Office: 2 Kiln Wynd, Kirkcaldy, KY1 2ES.

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